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This guide assumes that the steps in setup have been completed


In this guide we will be using an example page that shows a simple forum post. The page <PostDetailPage> is structured like this:

// PostDetailPage.jsx
const PostDetailPage = ({ location }) => (
    <Post id={} />

    <Footer />

// Post.jsx
const Post = ({ id, post }) => {
  if (!post) {
    return <LoadingSpinner />

  const { authorId, title, contents } = post;
  return (
    <section className="post">
      <h2>{ title }</h2>
      <UserAvatar userId={authorId} />

      { contents }
      <Comments postId={id} />
const mapStateToProps = (state, { id }) => ({
  post: state.posts[id],
export default connect(mapStateToProps)(Post);

In addition to the <Post> component, <Footer>, <Comments>, and <UserAvatar> get some dynamic data from redux and need some initialization actions. This guide will show how to trigger these actions using react-redux-component-init.

Continue reading: 1. Basic Usage

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