The display generator is built with the help of Yeoman which is web scaffolding tool for
modern web tools. The first thing that we will need to do is install yeoman globally, so it's available in your
terminal / command prompt as yo
Open your terminal run the following commands:
Step 1
First install Yeoman globally
npm install -g yo
Step 2
Install the Media.Monks display-boilerplate generator globally
npm install -g generator-display-boilerplate
Verify Yeoman is working globally by running the following command
yo --version
If you are having trouble with your user account not having admin rights with installing the generator-display-boilerplate and are working on a mac, try to use "sudo" in front of the commands. By using "sudo," the user is granted temporary administrative access, allowing them to perform tasks that require root or administrator permissions. So for example:
sudo npm install -g generator-display-boilerplate