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Automatically optimize zips

You can now let the dev-server try to optimize your bundle .zip to try and fit it within the specs.


settings": {
"maxFileSize": 150,
"optimizeToFileSize": true,
"lowestImageQuality": 20

The dev-server will then try to optimize your zip, lowering the quality of the jpg/png files until it is below the maxFileSize.

If you use this, set image optimization to false in the optimization object in the settings of the .richmediarc, otherwise webpack will optimize the image twice (will fix this in a patch soon)

The lowest quality it will use is 60. Going lower could potentially cause artifacts. However, if you add "lowestImageQuality" you can overwrite this value and lower the quality.


You may wonder why not just "optimizeToFileSize": 150? This is because maxFileSize is also used by the preview, and sometimes you don’t want to use optimizeToFileSize.