Using the default inline
Now when adding inline to a img tag and the image has the extension .svg the svg will be inlined.
<div class="banner border">
<img inline src="logo.svg" />
<div class="banner border">
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 3916 1524">
<path fill="#FFF" d="M808 336l387 218.9v437.9l-387 218.9-387-218.9V554.9z"/>
<path fill="#8ED6FB" d="M1125.9 977.7l-305.1 172.6v-134.4l190.1-104.6 115 66.4zm20.9-18.9V597.9l-111.6 64.5v232l111.6 64.4zm-657.9 18.9L794 1150.3v-134.4L603.8 911.3l-114.9 66.4zM468 958.8V597.9l111.6 64.5v232L468 958.8zm13.1-384.3l312.9-177v129.9L593.5 637.7l-1.6.9-110.8-64.1zm652.6 0l-312.9-177v129.9l200.5 110.2 1.6.9 110.8-64z"/><path fill="#1C78C0" d="M794 985.3L606.4 882.1V677.8L794 786.1v199.2zm26.8 0l187.6-103.1V677.8L820.8 786.1v199.2zm-13.4-207zM619.1 654.2l188.3-103.5 188.3 103.5-188.3 108.7-188.3-108.7z"/>
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You can also do this with handlebars same result:
<div class="banner border">
<img inline src="{{content.logo}}" />